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Hi, welcome to our website! Here, you'll find everything you need to know about GPU passthrough.

So, what exactly is GPU passthrough?

In short, GPU passthrough lets you pass your real GPU into a virtual machine.

Not a virtual GPU. This means the virtual machine gets direct access to the physical GPU. Play games or run applications within that virtual machine.

Why? It sounds stupid.

I always got a similar question. Here are some answers:

  • It's more secure and you don't need to install an OS on your computer. Everything runs in the virtual machine.
  • You don't want to have two operating systems on your computer because it takes up space.
  • You hate Windows and some software on Windows is more stable than on GNU/Linux. (like DaVinci Resolve)
  • You're doing some production testing and need a GPU environment to install another GNU/Linux distro.